Monday, August 8, 2011

Strong person will take strength for granted and may misused it;
Weak person knows the value of strength;

Quoted from "Captain America: The First Avenger" 


I watched Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes last a movie with lots of action and just a monkey try to adapt to society...where difference is feared...he learned how people treat difference in the hard way...I can felt his anger...his despair...his fear...where he decided to revolt and take his kind to paradise where he call "home"....

Although this is about human and animal...but we all try to adapt to society...well I am....sometime we feel alone and deserted within we are different...yeah...we can laugh and play and cry together but in the end we just can't blend in...I don't know about you...but I do feel different sometimes...

I want to be like him...talkative and popular...everybody likes him....but if you think deeper...I want to be like you and you want to be like me...even if it is true...we won't be satisfied...our desire is the end we want more...more...and STOP it....accept that we are unique...adapt to life by finding our own inner peace....purify our thoughts and action....create our own paradise in heart....and one day we will be like the Buddha....peaceful and free!!!