Thursday, August 6, 2009




g_yean_i said...

o~ can i know who's the "she" ?? hehe..

Cyber~ said...

erm...c hw u ask me lo...haha...^^

g_yean_i said...

erm, can you please tell me who is the girl that you've mentioned in your post? haha.. is this way of asking pass?? hehe..

Cyber~ said... i hav a choice ar to answer or nt?? i very paiseh de leh hehe^^

g_yean_i said...

unfortunately, you don't have a choice o~ haha.. anyway, you can sms to tell me if you don't wanna say it to public~ hehe..

Cyber~ said...

u wan to noe u hav to msg me mah....haha...

g_yean_i said...

yoR~ facebook msg can ar? haha.. coz i online most of the time since nothing better to do~ hehe..

Cyber~ said... i never c u on9 on facebook de??? u put hidden ar?? find me lar....i mah tell u lo...i noe u gt a lot of question de....hehe